E-mail forwarding is a service through which e-mail messages are resent from a certain account to another. Forwarding e-mail from one email account to another is an easy task using the Waves Web Design hosting control panel.
Example: you have created This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to use for marketing purposes etc. but you would like to have all the e-mails going to an email address you already use.
Your hosting control panel includes tools to accomplish this.
1) Login to your hosting control panel
2) Find the icon for "Forwarders"
3) Click Add Forwarder
4) Put the name of the email address you wish to forward from in the first blank field. For example: for This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., put "info" in the first blank field.
5) Click on Add Forwarder to add the forwarder.
6) Test your email forward to make sure it is working an you are done!
*** Make sure you have spelled both email addresses correctly when adding forwarders.
*** To delete a forwarder, simply click on the Delete button next to it.